- People you don't know will say weird things to you that you don't want to hear, ignore them
- NYC is the land of cheap manicures
- You'll never eat or drink in all the places in this town but you should try anyways
- You will meet so many people, decide which ones you like back
- On the same note, turns out there are bad people in the world, you should watch out for those
- Bank with Chase, you'll always have access to your $
- There are more ways to get crosstown than the L, knowledge is power
- Everybody in this town is frontin', don't buy it
- Your metrocard is your passport, just don't store it near your credit cards
- Duane Reade is both your best friend and your worst enemy
- People ask where you live within the first five minutes of conversation, this is normal
- They will also ask how much you pay in rent, this is also normal
- It is a NYC sin to eat chain food, but who cares, just do it anyway
- Avoid suits- unless you like hearing people talk about themselves
- If it's too good to be true-it is, especially in real estate
- It's a big, bad world out there, baby
- You will miss home all the time
- Coming here is exactly like starting a whole new life, be patient
- Try to remember who you are over the thump of the bass
- Stop comparing yourself
- Filter your water
- You can get away without having cable here
- People will try to tell you that living here isn't worth it but this is when you get to be smug and say they "just don't get it"
- You will spend so much money on food and cabs but it's usually worth it
- Singular days will change how you think about things
- You may not always want to, but when friends come into town, do all the touristy things they want to do, remember you were once new here too
- Don't leave your phone in a cab, you can't always count on the kindness of strangers
- You'll walk plenty, just eat it (whatever "it" is)
I am going to keep this list "live," and add to is as my life here unfolds. I think it'll be fun to look back on it and see what I still agree with, what I'd add to, and what I'd change. Suggestions?
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